发布时间:2014-09-24   访问次数:38148   作者:信息员






1987年毕业于浙江师范大学化学系;1993年获吉林大学理学硕士;1996年获吉林大学理学博士;1996年8月至1998年6月为中国科学院化学研究所博士后;1998年6月至2000年7月为美国康奈尔大学 (Cornell University) 博士后研究员 (Postdoc Research Fellow);2000年7月至2002年5月为美国密执根大学 (University of Michigan) 研究员 (Research Fellow);2002年7月复旦大学副教授;2003年7月7003全讯入口网站教授、博士生导师。获美国杜邦全球科学和工程奖(DuPont Science & Engineering Grant),入选国家教育部新世纪优秀人才、上海市曙光学者。
已在J Am Chem Soc, Adv Funct Mater, J Pharm Sci, Biomacromoleculs, J Mater Chem, J Polym Sci,中国科学B等国内外主流学术刊物上发表论文百余篇,被Chem Rew, Nat Chem, Adv Drug Deliver Rev, J Am Chem Soc, Angew Chem Int Edit, Drug Discov Tody, Adv Funct Mater, Chem Mater, Chem Comm等SCI论文引用2200多篇次;申请国内外专利二十多项,其中授权十多项。在药物晶型研究中,提出了以聚合物材料来诱导药物异相成核从而选择和控制药物晶型的思路,开辟了一条控制晶型及搜寻未知晶型的有效途径;在生物材料领域,主要从事材料官能团化和生物活性化修饰等领域研究,部分专利成果已为美国产业界所采用,有望获得良好的经济效益和社会效益。



(1). 医用级聚碳酸酯的合成及在手术缝合线方面的应用开发,国家重点研发计划,2016YFC11007032016-07~2020-12,子课题负责人;

(2). 键合型长效抗菌保鲜包装材料关键技术研发及产业化,“十二五”国家科技支撑项目“防腐保鲜新型物流包装材料开发”(2015BAD16B05子课题(2015BAD16B05-04),2015-01~2017-12,子课题负责人

(3). 3D打印桥梁用PC材料匹配性和基本配方研究,2017-09-04~2018-07-01,项目负责人;

(4). 3D打印桥梁喷头设计及基本参数研究,2017-09-04~2018-07-01,项目负责人;

(5). 景观桥梁打印及荧光改性,2017-09-04~2018-07-01,项目负责人;

(6). 纤维素/PET接枝共聚物材料的制备及应用研究,2017-01-01~2019-12-31,项目负责人。




(1). JunZhang, Yan Xiao*, Xueli Luo, Lianlei Wen, Andreas Heise and Meidong Lang*. Schizophrenic poly(ε-caprolactone)s: synthesis, self-assembly and fluorescent decoration. Polymer Chemistry 2017, 8(21), 3261-3270.

(2). YanXiao*, Sihuan Lang, Jing Qin, Rui Yin, Andreas Heise, Meidong Lang*. A highly stretchable bioelastomer prepared by UV curing of liquid-like poly (4-methyl-ε-caprolactone) precursors. Journal Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5(3), 595-603.

(3). Yixing Dai, Shuo Wang,Weibin Shi*, Meidong Lang*.pH-responsive carboxymethyl chitosan-derived micelles as apatinibcarriers for effective anti-angiogenesis activity: Preparation andin vitro evaluation. Carbohydrate Polymers 2017, 176, 107-116.

(4). Chao Wei, Yan Zhang*, Yiru Xia, Zhongchen Song, Heng Xu, and Meidong Lang*. Enhanced Bioreduction-responsive Biodegradable Diselenidε-Containing Poly(ester urethane) Nanocarriers. Biomaterials Science 2017, 5(4), 669-677.

(5). YunlongSun, Changlin Chen, Heng Xu, Kun Lei, Guanzhe Xu, Li Zhao*, Meidong Lang*. Surface modification of silicon wafer by grafting novel zwitterionic polymers to improve its antifouling property. Applied Surface Science 2017, 419, 642-649.

(6). Guanzhe Xu, Yan Xiao*, Liang Cheng, Runhua Zhou, Heng Xu, Yimin Chai, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and rheological investigation of self-healable deferoxamine grafted alginate hydrogel. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 2017, 55(11), 856-865.

(7). Yan Xiao*,Jianqiang Wang, Jun Zhang, Andreas Heise, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and gelation of copolypept(o)ides with random and block structure. Biopolymers 2017, 107(10), 1-9.

(8). Yunlong Sun,Changlin Chen, Heng Xu, Kun Lei, Guanzhe Xu, Li Zhao*, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and Antibacterial Performance of Functional Organic-norganic Silica Nanocomposites Based on Novel Zwitterionic Polymer. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 2017, 27(5), 1351-1364.

(9). Yan Zhang*, YingXu, Chao Wei, Yuanying Zhang, Liu Yang, Zhongchen Song, Meidong Lang*. Diselenide-containing poly(ε-caprolactone)-based thermo-responsive hydrogels with oxidation and reduction-triggered degradation. Materials Today Chemistry 2017, 4, 172-179.


(10). Yan Zhang*, Xiaolin Du, Dan Hu, Jing Zhang, Yan Zhou, Guoquan Min, and Meidong Lang*. Combined Chemical Groups and Topographical Nanopattern on the Poly(epsilon-Caprolactone) Surface for Regulating Human Foreskin Fibroblasts Behavior. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8(12), 7720-7728.

(11). Yongjun Li*, Zukai Jian, Meidong Lang, Chunming Zhang, Xiaoyu Huang*. Covalently Functionalized Graphene by Radical Polymers for Graphene-Based High-Performance Cathode Materials. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8(27), 17352-17359.

(12). Jun Zhang, Yan Xiao*, Heng Xu, Chen Zhou, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis of well-defined carboxyl poly(ε-caprolactone) by fine-tuning the protection group. Polymer Chemistry 2016, 7(28), 4630-4637.

(13). Chao Wei, Yan Zhang*, Heng Xu, Ying Xu, Yue Xu, Meidong Lang*. Well-defined labile diselenide-centered poly(ε-caprolactone)-based micelles for activated intracellular drug release. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2016, 4(29), 5059-5067.

(14). Min Chen, Lei Xu, Yan Zhou, Yan Zhang, Meidong Lang, Zhaoyang Ye*, WenSong Tan*. Poly(ε-caprolactone)-based substrates bearing pendant small chemical groups as a platform for systemic investigation of chondrogenesis. Cell Proliferation 2016, 49(4), 512-522.

(15). Yan Zhang*, Miao Wang, Jinhai Ye, Meidong Lang*. Pendant Groups Fine-tuning Thermal Gelation of Poly(ε-caprolactone)-b-Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-Poly(ε-caprolactone) Aqueous Solution. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2016, 54(16), 2571-2581.

(16). Vanminh Le, Meidong Lang, Weibin Shi, Jianwen Liu. A collagen-based multicellular tumor spheroid model for evaluation of the efficiency of nanoparticle drug delivery. Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology 2016, 44(2), 540-544.

(17). Xiaofei Ma, Yan Xiao*, Heng Xu, Kun Lei, Meidong Lang*, Preparation, degradation and in vitro release of ciprofloxacin-eluting ureteral stents for potential antibacterial application. Materials Science and Engineering C 2016, 66, 92-99.

(18). Guanzhe Xu, Liang Cheng, Qintong Zhang, Yunlong Sun, Changlin Chen, Yimin Chai, Meidong Lang*. In situ thioled alginate hydrogel: instant formation and its application in hemostasis. Journal of Biomaterials Applications 2016, 31(5), 721-729.


(19). Hong Liu, Yan Xiao*, Heng Xu, Yebin Guan, Jun Zhang, Meidong Lang*. Synthetic polypeptides with varied hydrogen bonding between side groups. Chemical Communication 2015, 51, 10174-10177.

(20). Zhengzhen Du, Yan Zhang,* Heng Xu, Meidong Lang*. Functionalized Pluronic-b-poly(ε-caprolactone)based nanocarriers of paclitaxel: solubilization, antiproliferative efficacy and in vivo pharmaceutic kinetics. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2015, 3, 3685-3694.

(21). Min Chen, Yi Zhang, Yan Zhou, Yan Zhang, Meidong Lang, Zhaoyang Ye*, Wen-Song Tan*. Pendant small functional groups on poly(ε-caprolactone) substrate modulate adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2015, 134, 322-331.

(22). Vanminh Le, Jingjing Wang, Ming Yuan, Thelong Nguyen, Guifang Yin,Yuanhong Zheng, Weibin Shi, Meidong Lang, Leiming Xu*, Jianwen Liu*. An investigation of antitumor efficiency of novel sustained and targeted 5-fluorouracil nanoparticles. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2015, 92, 882-889.

(23). Yu Xia, Kai Zhu, Hao Lai, Meidong Lang, Yan Xiao, Sheng Lian, Changfa Guo*, Chunsheng Wang. Enhanced infarct myocardium repair mediated by thermosensitive copolymer hydrogel-based stem cell transplantation. Experimental Biology and Medicine2015, 240(5), 593-600.

(24). Zhengzhen Du,Yan Zhang*, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis of functionalized Pluronic-b-poly(ε-caprolactone) and the comparative study of their pendant groups on the cellular internalization behavior. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2015, 26(4), 171(1-12).

(25). 杜征臻,张琰*,叶金海,徐衡,郎美东*.聚己内酯-紫杉醇高分子前药的合成及性能研究.化学学报 2015, 73(4), 349-356.


(26). QingchunZhang, Ke Tan, Yan Zhang, Zhaoyang Ye*, WenSong Tan, Meidong Lang*. Insitucontrolledrelease of rhBMP-2 in gelatin-coated 3Dporous poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffolds for homogeneous bone tissue formation. Biomacromolecules 2014,15(1),84-94.

(27). Yan Zhang,*Jinhong Li, Zhengzhen Du, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and pH-responsiveassembly ofmethoxypoly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone) with pendant carboxyl groups. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2014, 52(2), 188-199.

(28). Yan Xiao*, Ming Yuan, Jun Zhang, Meidong Lang*. Functional poly(ε-caprolactone) based materials: preparation, self-assembly and application in drug delivery. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2014, 14, 781-818.

(29). Chunhua Gu,Vanminh Le, Meidong Lang*, Jianwen Liu*. Preparation of polysaccharide derivates chitosan-graft-poly(ε-caprolactone) amphiphilic copolymer micelles for 5-Fluorouracil drug delivery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2014,116 745-750.

(30). Weibin Shi,Vanminh Le*, Chunhua Gu, Yuanhong Zheng, Meidong Lang, Yanhua Lu, Jianwen Liu*. Overcoming multidrug mesistance in 2D and 3D multure models by controlled drug chitosan-graft poly(ε-caprolactone)-based nanoparticles. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014, 103, 1064-1074.

(31). Weibin Shi, Chunhua Gu, Han Jiang, Mengru Zhang, Meidong Lang*. Effects of amphiphilic chitosan-g-poly(ε-caprolactone) polymer additive on paclitaxel release from modified drug-eluting stents. Materials Science and Engineering, C 2014, 45, 502-509.

(32). Yan Zhang*, Yi Zhang, Min Chen, Yan Zhou, Meidong Lang*. Galactosylated poly(ε-caprolactone) membrane promoted liver-specific functions of HepG2 cells in vitro. Materials Science and Engineering, C 2014, 41, 52-58.

(33). Yutong Fu, Xinyu Xia, Yan Zhang*, Jinhai Ye, Meidong Lang*. pH-responsive star-shaped functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone) with amino groups. Colloid and Polymer Science 2014, 292(9), 2071-2082.

(34). Chunhu Gu, Huan Zhang, Meidong Lang*. Fabrication and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles in Chitosan-g-poly(ε-caprolactone) Micelles. Applied Surface Science 2014, 301, 273-279.

(35). MingYuan, Yan Xiao*, Vanminh Le, Chao Wei, Yutong Fu, Jianwen Liu and Meidong Lang*. Micelle controlled release of 5-fluorouracil: follow the guideline for good polymer-drug compatibility. Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochem Eng Aspects 2014, 457, 116-124.

(36). Yan Xiao, Sihuan Lang, Yan Wang, Meidong Lang*. Effect of surface grafted hydroxyapatite on the improved particle dispersion and mechanical property of hydroxyapatite/poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffold. Current Nanoscience2014, 10, 855-862.

(37). Xi Zhang, Yan Xiao, Meidong Lang*. Hydrogen bonding interaction induced complexation of mPEG-b-PAA and star PDMAEMA-b-poly(HEMA-g-PCL) hybridmicelles in water. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry 2014, 51, 63-75.


(38). Chunhua Gu, Huiyan Gu, Meidong Lang*. Molecular simulation to predict miscibility and phasese paration behavior of chitosan/ poly(ε-caprolactone) binary blends: a comparison with experiments. Macromoleculatr Theory and Simulation2013, 22(7), 377-384.

(39). Yan Zhang*, Li Zhao, Min Chen, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and properties of Pluronic-based penta block copolymers with pendant amino groups. ColloidandPolymer Science. 2013, 291(7), 1563-1571.

(40). Tianyi Wu, Qingchun Zhang, Weiping Ren, Xiang Yi, Zubin Zhou, Xiaochun Peng, Xiaowei Yu,* Meidong Lang*. Controlled release of gentamicin from gelatin/genipinre inforced beta-tricalcium phosphate scaffold for the treatment of osteomyelitis. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013, 1(26), 3304-3313.

(41). Yan Zhang*, Zhaojun Wang, Weimin Zhou, Guoquan Min, Meidong Lang*. Cationic poly(ε-caprolactone) surface functionalized mesoporoussilica nanoparticles and their application in drug delivery. Applied Surface Science 2013, 276,769-775.

(42). Qingchun Zhang, Yan Zhang*, Meidong Lang*. Mild method for the agglomeration of dispersed polycaprolactone microspheres via a genipin-crosslinked gelatin hydrogel. Journalof Applied Polymer Science 2013,129(2),689-698.

(43). Xi Zhang, Yan Xiao and Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and degradation behavior of miktoarm poly(ε-caprolactone)2-b-poly(L-lactone)2 microspheres. Polymer Journal 2013, 45(4), 420-426.

(44). Qingchun Zhang, Houyong Luo, Yan Zhang, Yan Zhou, Zhaoyang Ye*, Wensong Tan, Meidong Lang*. Fabrication of three-dimensional poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffolds with hierarchical pore structures for tissue engineering. Materials Science and Engineering C 2013, 33(4), 2094-2103.

(45). Chunhua Gu, Weibin Shi, Meidong Lang*. Enhanced mechanical property of chitosan via blending with functional poly(ε-caprolactone). Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 2013, 51(8), 659-667.

(46). Yan Zhang*, Jianjing Liu, Yutong Fu, Ke Tan, Zhaoyang Ye, Meidong Lang*. Self-assembly of polyion complex nanocarriers from ammonium glycyrrhizinate and monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(γ-amino-ε-caprolactone). Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013, 1(11), 1614-1621.

(47). Qingqing Bian, Yan Xiao*, Chen Zhou, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis, self-assembly, and pH-responsive behavior of (photo-crosslinked) star amphiphilic triblock copolymer. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2013, 392, 141-150.


(48). Sheng Lian, Yan Xiao*, Qingqing Bian, Yu Xia, Changfa Guo, Shenguo Wang, Meidong Lang*. Injectable hydrogel as stem cell scaffolds from the thermosensitive terpolymer of NIPAAm/AAc/HEMAPCL. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2012,7 4893-4905.

(49). Qingchun Zhang, Ke Tan, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhang*, Wensong Tan, Meidong Lang*. Preparation of open porous polycaprolactone microspheres and their applications aseffective cell carriers in hydrogel system. Materials Science and Engineering C 2012, 32(8), 2589-2595.

(50). Xiujuan Huang, Yan Xiao*, and Meidong Lang*. Synthesis ofstar-shaped PCL-based copolymers viaone-pot ATRP and their self-assembly behavior in aqueous solution. MacromolecularResearch 2012,20(6), 597-604.

(51). Qingqing Bian, Yan Xiao*, Meidong Lang*.Thermoresponsive biotinylated star amphiphilic block copolymer: synthesis, self-assembly, andspecific recognition. Polymer 2012, 53(8), 1684-1693.

(52). Xi Zhang, Yan Xiao, Weifeng Dai, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and self-assembly behaviors of four-arm star blockcopolymers poly((ε-caprolactone) -b- poly(2-(diethylamino) ethyl methacrylate)) in aqueous solution. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry2012 49(2), 124-130.

(53). Yi Zhang, Yan Zhang*, Min Chen, Jinliang Yan, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou, Wensong Tan and Meidong Lang*. Surface properties of amino-functionalized poly(ε-caprolactone) membranes and the improvement of human mesenchymal stem cell behavior. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2012,368, 64-69.

(54). Qingqing Bian, Yan Xiao* and Meidong Lang*. R-RAFT approach for the polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide with a star poly(ε-caprolactone) core. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2012, 50(3), 571-580.

(55). Xiujuan Huang, Yan Xiao*, Wei Zhang, Meidong Lang*. In-situ formation of silver nanoparticles stabilized by amphiphilic star-shaped copolymer and their catalytic application. Applied Surface Science 2012, 258(7), 2655-2660.

(56). Xiujuan Huang, Yan Xiao*, Meidong Lang*. Micelles/sodium-alginate composite gel beads: a new matrix for oral drug delivery of indomethacin. Carbohydrate Polymers2012,87(1), 790-798.

(57). Cuizhen Li, Chunhua Gu, Yan Zhang, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and self-assembly of pH-responsiveamphiphilic poly(ε-caprolactone)-block-poly(acrylic acid) copolymer. Polymer Bulletin 2012, 68(1),69-83.


(58). Cui Wang, Yan Xiao*, Andreas Heise, Meidong Lang*. Organometallic and enzymatic catalysis for ring opening copolymerization of ε-caprolactone and 4-methyl-ε-caprolactone. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2011, 49, 5293-5300.

(59). Yan Deng, Yongjun Li, Jing Dai, Meidong Lang, Xiaoyu Huang*. Functionalization of graphene oxide towards thermo-sensitive nanocomposites via moderate in situ SET-LRP. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2011, 49(22), 4747-4755.

(60). Xiujuan Huang, Yan Xiao*, Meidong Lang*. Self-assembly of pH-sensitive mixed micelles based on linear and star copolymers for drug delivery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 364, 92-99.

(61). Jinliang Yan, Zhaoyang Ye*, Min Chen, Zhanzhan Liu, Yan Xiao, Yan Zhang, Yan Zhou, Wensong Tan, Meidong Lang*. Fine tuning micellarcore-forming block of poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) amphiphilic copolymers based on chemical modification for the solubilization and delivery of doxorubicin. Biomacromolecules 2011, 12(7), 2562-2572.

(62). Yan Wang, Yan Xiao*, Xiujuan Huang, Meidong Lang*. Preparation and characterization of poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 360(2), 415-421.

(63). Jinliang Yan, Zhaoyang Ye*, Houyong Luo, Min Chen, Yan Zhou, Yan Xiao, Yan Zhang, Wensong Tan, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis, characterization and bioconjugation of functional mPEG-b-PCL amphiphilic block copolymers: towards multi-functional micelles. Polymer Chemistry 2011, 2(6), 1331-1340.

(64). Jianjing Liu, Yan Zhang*, Jinliang Yan, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and solution properties of pH responsive methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-b-p(γ-amino-ε-caprolactone). Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21(18), 6677-6682.

(65). Yan Wang, Xi Zhang, Jinliang Yan, Yan Xiao, Meidong Lang*. Surface modification of hydroxyapatite with poly(methyl methacrylate) via surface-initiated ATRP. Applied Surface Science 2011, 257(14): 6233-6238.

(66). Yue Zeng, Yan Zhang*, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and characterization of poly(ε-caprolactone-co-δ-valerolactone) with pendant carboxylic functional groups. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2011, 29(2), 343-350.

(67). Yan Deng, Yongjun Li, Jing Dai, Meidong Lang, Xiaoyu Huang*. An efficient way to functionalize graphene sheets with presynthesized polymer via ATNRC chemistry. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2011 49(7), 1582-1590.

(68). Yan Zhang, Jiashi Li, Meidong Lang*, Xiaolin Tang, Lei Li*, Xizhong Shen. Folate-functionalized nanoparticles for controlled 5-Fluorouracil delivery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 354(1), 202-209.

(69). Xiujuan Huang, Yan Xiao, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis and self-assembly behavior of six-armed blockcopolymers with pH- and thermo-responsive properties. Macromolecular Research 2011, 19(2), 113-121.


(70). Yueying He, Yan Zhang, Yan Xiao, Meidong Lang*. Dual-response nanocarrier based on graft copolymers with hydrazone bond linkages forimproved drug delivery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2010, 80(2), 145-154.

(71). Yan Wang, Jing Dai, Qingchun Zhang, Yan Xiao, Meidong Lang*. Improved mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite/poly(ε-caprolactone)scaffolds by surface modification of hydroxyapatite. Applied Surface Science 2010,256(20), 6107-6112.

(72). Weifeng Dai, Zhengzhen Du, Yan Zhang, Minliang Ru, Meidong Lang*. The pH-induced thermosensitive amphiphilic graft copolymermicelles for drug delivery. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2010, 21(6),1881-1890.

(73). Jinliang Yan, Yi Zhang, Yan Xiao, Yan Zhang, Meidong Lang*. Novel poly(ε-caprolactone)s bearing amino groups: Synthesis,characterization and biotinylation. Reactive & Functional Polymers 2010, 70(7), 400-407.

(74). Yueying He, Yan Zhang, Chunhua Gu, Weifeng Dai, Meidong Lang*. Micellar carrier based on methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) block copolymers bearing ketone groups on the polyester block for doxorubicin delivery. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2010, 21(2),567-574.

(75). Jiashi Li,Yan Zhang, Jie Chen,Chaohua Wang, and Meidong Lang*. Preparation, characterization and drug release behaviorof 5-Fluorouracil loaded carboxylic poly(ε-caprolactone) nanoparticles. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry 2009, 46(11), 1103-1113.

(76). Weifeng Dai, Jiayun Zhu, Aoyu Shangguan, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis, characterization and degradability of the comb-type poly(4-hydroxyl-ε-caprolactone-co-ε-caprolactone)-g-poly(L-lactide). European Polymer Journal 2009, 45(6), 1659-1667.

(77). Wenru Zhao, Meidong Lang, Yongsheng Li, Liang Li and Jianlin Shi*. Fabrication of uniform hollow mesoporous silica spheres and ellipsoids oftunable size through a facile hard-templating route. Journal of Material Chemistry 2009, 19(18), 2778–2783.

(78). Wenru Zhao, Hangrong Chen, Yongsheng Li, Liang Li, Meidong Lang, and Jianlin Shi*. Uniform rattle-type hollow magnetic mesoporous spheres as drug delivery carriers and their sustained-release property. Advanced Functional Materials 2008, 18(18), 2780–2788.

(79). Weifeng Dai, Hui Huang, Zhengzhen Du, Meidong Lang*. Synthesis, characterization and degradability of the novel aliphatic polyester bearing pendant N-isopropylamidefunctional groups. Polymer Degradation and Stability 2008, 93(12), 2089-2095.

(80). Weifeng Dai, Chaohua Wang, Xi Zhang, Jinming Zhang and Meidong Lang*. Michael addition reactions of cyclanones with acrylamides: Producing 2-carbamoylethyl derivatives or ene-lactams. Science in China Series B Chemistry 2008, 51(11), 1044-1050.

(81). Adam L Grzesiak, Meidong Lang, Kibum Kim, Adam J Matzger*. Comparison of thefouranhydrouspolymorphs of carbamazepine and thecrystalstructure ofform I. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2003, 92(11),2260-2271.

(82). Meidong Lang, Jeff W Kampf, Adam J Matzger*. Form IV ofcarbamazepine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2002, 91(4), 1186-1190.

(83). Meidong Lang, Chih-Chang Chu*. Functionalized multiarm poly(ε-caprolactone)s: synthesis, structure alanalysis and network formation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2002, 86, 2296-2306.

(84). Meidong Lang, Renee P Wong, Chih-Chang Chu*. Synthesis andstructuralanalysis offunctionalized poly(epsilon-caprolactone)- based three-arm star polymers. Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry 2002, 40(8), 1127-1141.

(85). CP Price, A LGrzesiak, Meidong Lang, A J Matzger*. Polymorphism ofnabumetone. Crystal Growth&Design 2002, 2(6), 501-503.

(86). Meidong Lang, Adam L Grzesiak, Adam J Matzger*.The use of polymer heteronuclei for crystalline polymorph selection. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2002, 124(50), 14834-14835.

(87). Meidong Lang, Chih-Chang Chu*, Synthesis and chemical structural analysis of nitroxyl-radical-incorporated poly(acrylic acid/lactide/ε-caprolactone) copolymers. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2001, 39(24), 4214-4226.

(88). Meidong Lang, Jianzhong Bei, Shenguo Wang*. Synthesis and characterization of polycaprolactone/poly(ethylene oxide)/polylactide tri-component copolymers. JournalofBiomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 1999, 10(4), 501-512.

(89). Meidong Lang*,Guo Zhang, Xinfang Chen, Na Feng, Shuhua Li. Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(butyl acrylate). II. Characterization and properties. Journal Applied Polymer Science 1998, 70(8), 1427-1436.

(90). Meidong Lang*,Guo Zhang, Na Feng, Shuhua Li, Xinfang Chen. Poly(ethyleneglycol)-block-poly (butyl acrylate). I.Synthesis. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 1997, 65(9), 1667-1674.

(91). Meidong Lang*,Guo Zhang, Na Feng, Xinfang Chen. The synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(butyl acrylate). Chemistry Research of Chinese University 1997, 13(1), 77-82.

(92). Zhudi Zhao*, HuaiYang, Meidong Lang, Xinfang Chen. The effects of radiation oncrystal transformations of poly(vinylidene fluoride). Chemistry Research of Chinese University 1994, 10(3), 197-201.



(1). 郎美东,顾春华. 改性聚(ε-己内酯)药物洗脱支架的方法. 专利号:ZL 201210355642.4,授权公告日:20150218.

(2). 张琰,王召君,郎美东. (γ-氨基-ε-己内酯)/空心介孔二氧化硅杂化材料. 专利号:ZL 201310020608.6,授权公告日:20150211.

(3). 郎美东,肖艳,卜宇. 聚谷氨酸衍生物及其水凝胶和制备方法. 专利号:ZL 201310055049.2,授权公告日:20140820.

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(1). 郎美东,张俊,肖艳. ε-己内酯衍生物及其制备方法和应用. 公开号:CN 107298673 A,公开日:2017.10.27.

(2). 郎美东,孙云龙,陈昌林. 一种两性离子共聚物薄膜材料及其制备方法. 公开号:CN 107033274 A,公开日:2017.08.11.

(3). 郎美东,雷昆. 一种阻燃保温用双组份改性三聚氰胺甲醛泡沫板的制备方法. 公开号:CN 106967275 A, 公开日:2017.07.21.

(4). 郎美东,张丽,侯佳,梁文城. 聚对苯二甲酸‑1,4‑环己烷二甲醇酯薄膜的制备方法及用途. 公开号:CN 106947071 A, 公开日:2017.07.14.

(5). 郎美东,孙云龙. 4-乙烯基吡啶磺酸盐/二氧化硅纳米杂化抗菌材料及其制备方法. 公开号:CN 106916402 A, 公开日:2017.07.04.

(6). 郎美东,魏超,张琰,许悦,闫炳坤,杜征臻. 一种制备杂环碳酸酯的方法. 公开号:CN 106905292 A, 公开日:2017.06.30.

(7). 郎美东,马晓飞. 用于肿瘤定向治疗的输尿管支架及制备方法. 公开号:CN 106890368 A, 公开日:2017.06.27.

(8). 张修银,郎美东,黄争美,王申春,马晓飞,韩智慧. 米诺环素缓释制剂. 公开号:CN 106822066 A, 公开日:2017.06.13.

(9). 张修银,郎美东,黄争美,王申春,马晓飞,韩智慧. 可降解生物薄膜、其制备方法以及硝唑类缓释制剂. 公开号:CN 106589337 A, 公开日:2017.04.26.

(10). 白富栋,郎美东,沙陈杰,方向晨,李政. 一种纤维素及其衍生物的接枝共聚物及其合成方法. 公开号:CN 106146855 A, 公开日:216.11.23.

(11). 肖艳,郎思睆,郎美东. 一种提高聚己内酯基生物弹性体力学性能的方法. 公开号:CN 105936667 A, 公开日:2016.09.14.

(12). 张琰,胥莹,魏超,郎美东. 一种开环聚合制备含硒可降解聚合物的方法及其在水凝胶的应用. 公开号:CN 105732990 A, 公开日:2016.07.06.

(13). 张琰,王淼,郎美东,傅雨桐. 一种可注射温敏性物理水凝胶及其制备方法. 公开号:CN 105396137 A, 公开日:2016.03.16.

(14). 郎美东,许冠哲,徐衡. 改性海藻酸钠及其用途. 公开号:CN 105273105 A,公开日:2016.01.27.




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